Electrical Contracting
A full service electrical
contractor with roots
dating back to 1924

USIS is a 100% union (non-Building Trades) contractor who employs IUJAT (International Union of Journeymen and Allied Trades) electricians.

The IUJAT is recognized by the NLRB and the Department of Labor.

USIS Electricians are licensed in New Jersey, New York City and Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Dutchess Counties in New York State. We provide both commercial and residential electrical construction services.

USIS prefabrication services are a cost-effective, schedule-driven solution that meet the high demands of the modern construction industry.
They address the often aggressive schedules of new and retrofit construction without flooding a jobsite with add’l labor forces.
Build • Deliver • Install

Prefabricated Assemblies are built and tested in our 30,000sf warehouse, delivered to a job site and installed.
Construction takes place in a repetitious, factory-like manner without being hindereed by inclement weather, extreme temperatures or other impediments typically encountered on a construction site.
With a considerable portion of work completed offsite, job progress moves forward in a timelier manner, which reduces need for overtime.
Materials can be ordered ahead of time, which mitigates long-lead price delays and volatility.

State University
Life Safety Retrofit

Residential Tower
New Construction

Residential Towers
New Construction

Residential Tower
New Construction

USIS Electrical Contracting can be bundled with our other services including IT Infrastructure, Audiovisual, Security and Wireless